A (not very) long time ago, in a desolate corner of earth, there lived ‘This’ & ‘That’. This was definitely vague and specifically haphazard but That was vaguely definite and haphazardly specific. This believed, That knew. If This did that, That did this. This’ thoughts flew here but That’s, there. In short, This and That were poles apart. And yet, they walked hand in hand, through dust and rain, because even though This loved that and That loved this.. This and That always loved each other.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
She is the reason of the sun's morning glow,
the falling of leaves during a cosy autumn.
She is the reason of laughter on a few faces,
so many hearts' ecstacy and delight.
She is the reason of the sweet smell of dew on grass,
the riot of colors everywhere.
She is the reason to survive.
She is the splash of thoughts dipped in ink, on bits of paper,
the overflow of love now and then.
She is the apprehensive confession of a lover,
the ache in his heart for a mere glimpse.
She is the innocence of a new born infant,
the still silence of the mountains.
She is the horizon and beyond that.
She maybe dust or rain,
love or hate.
Maybe freedom or captivity,
a dream or a nightmare.
Maybe hope, or the lessness of it.,
life, or perhaps even death.
to my better-half!! :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
I again...
I may be something that shouldn't be there
In the summer evening and winter book fair
The toothless grin on a toddler's face
A child who just won his first cycle race
The smile from a stranger while stuck in a jam
An odd little riddle that you don't understand
The old man's smile for whom you left the seat
The first splash of rain after the summer heat
The beggar's blessings for a loaf of bread
The circling leaves the trees just shed
The warmth in the hug that you just felt
The spring with colours when winter melts
Now tell me truly, am I that bad?
Even if I'm THIS and at times THAT.

Sunday, November 2, 2008