Saturday, September 6, 2008

Use,Misuse and Abuse

What if there are no words?

No words at all.

Even the words that I'm writing vanish and however hard I may try to write,nothing appears on the page. Few scratches here and there,few meaningless figures and ultimately nothing.Even the thoughts in your mind don't form words.They are just thoughts.Haphazard,random,dispersed pictures,sounds,grunts,moans but no words.You try crying out for help but no words come out.You yell,shout but no word...not a single syllable.

Scary, right?

So the moral of the story is--Words are very important.Words are too important for words.

But we Use,throw, fling them most carelessly and don't even bother to check what effect it ultimately had.

Actually,why should we?

They are easy available in different variations in every language.Abundant,redundant and finally Misused.Democracy gives us the freedom of thought,speech and perhaps may be Abuse of words.

That is why a teenager does not think before saying,"Mind your own business!",to an apprehensive parent,"You live on my money"---a husband to his homemaker-wife,"You are fired"---a Boss to his employee whose children are waiting at home,"Wish I never had you"---a mother to her son when his report card comes out and similarly "I love you"---a boy to a girl,he has seen for the first goddamn time.

Again may be I should be thankful that words are seriously this cheap,or else think,how would have I written all this?


Lyrics said...

i love you so much...
and guess what...i just by chance happen to know the worth of these five words...
was wondering the same a couple of days back...and realized that i am not good enough to even wonder what words are worth...
hope to be forgiven by words...
but this was simply amazing...


neel said...
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neel said...
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neel said...
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neel said...
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neel said...


the blank space above would have perhaps been understood,

silence.... would probably learn to scream.

P.S: wonder ami ki kortam..:(