Monday, September 22, 2008

Things meant to be broken...

"I don't like milk Dadu...I promise I'll have anything other than that."

"That wretched teacher,she deliberately failed me..but next time..You just see Baba.Promise!"

"Ma,please let me go.Its our match today...please! Please please please please PLEASE!I promise I'll be back by sunset."

"Come on Chhordabhai,let me have a look at your cell...I promise I'll be careful."

"Promise Gopal,I'll wash my hands before eating."

"I swear Memo,I practice maths everyday."

"Leave aside smoking like Tatun,Oindree..I won't even touch a cigarette.Promise!"

"Promise Tatun,I'll never tell Oindree that you smoke."

"Bubla...hang up now..I promise I'll call you back."

"I'll never get angry with you Puchi...Promise."

"You just get well soon Guruji..I swear I'll not give up dancing."

"Promise :)"

"I'm there..always...Promise."