Yet another day dawns,
when I breathe.
Yet another morning to awake
and look ahead.
Yet another day to live
and celebrate.
Few more smiles to smile,
few more tears to shed.
Few more secrets to share,
and few more syllables to utter.
My life gifts me yet another day
to stare at the same moon,
to think about the same loved one,
to feel a mother's embrace,
to feel a mother's embrace,
to make love.
Another day to see the clouds drift pass,
to hear the pitter patter of rain on the window sill.
Life, to whom i have been
unjust, unfair.
Life, who I scarred and marred.
Life to whom I gave nothng,
to whom I returned nothing,
gave me yet another day
to feel bliss
to feel ecstacy
to imagine
to dream.
And again, another day dawns when i breathe....
very well written good work. dont worry be happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
The one who loves you the most
there is a serious lack of posts in this blog.... if the mighty authors can take their times out of film watching and fuchka hogging, and pretending to study or update practical journals, and write something to prove that this once promising blog is still breathing, the handful of readers would be delighted i am sure....
Sanjoy: thank you...looking forward to your visits.
Neel: patience is a virtue my child...but of course, what would you know...:P
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