Friday, May 22, 2009


Starting a new life..sounds easy,doesn't it?
Almost as easy as changing school bags.Just take out the books and put them inside the new bag and you are done.

OHO! Don't forget to check the side pockets because ultimately all the important stuff are left in there---like that extra pen,almost torn notepad,one or two crumpled Rs.10 note and similar apparently unimportant stuff which later becomes the most important.

This starting-a-new-life thing is just the same.We take care of only those things which come across as the main thing---the reason of starting new life. But the side pockets of the previous life go unnoticed. And that is exactly where things go wrong. The side pockets nowever unimportant they might seem should always be checked or else ou'll be left with voids rather empty pockets in your life.

Beginnings -I

Since nobody apart from three people, namely THIS, THAT and OTHER, follow this blog, i am going to extremely impolite, not-so-decent and outrageously obvious.
Keeping in mind that they had already grown their wings, though they were people who tried to clip them from time to time, they just kept growing back (damn!!), it is now time for them to fly. Fly and reach out not to the stars or the moon but, to their dreams.

This is it. This is the new beginning.

And on behalf of THIS and THAT, I, THIS congratulate all of you out in that world that people say is 'big and bad', because now you will be joined by two people who will do things that have never been done before. Two other people , just two other people, making their place in the world, in their very own way!!!