A very rare sound to hear but if you get to hear it on a cold January night you’ll know why I’m writing this post.
You are busy with something…engrossed in some stupid work may be and you hear this first few drops and suddenly you feel like coming out of a trance and you’re relaxed. Your mind lets go of all the tiring thoughts, releases you of your duties and responsibilities and you just listen to that tip…tip…tip…feeling yourself as the dew, being lowered from leaf to leaf with every single drop and you feel as if you are back home---to the gentleness of your mother’s care, the depth of her love, the feeling of languor in her arms and the wetness of her kiss. The sound has an atonal melody to it which releases you of all the atavistic ways of life.
Your eyes gets closed by themselves but you can feel the surrounding with every breath you take---the chilly air, the calmness, the soft tip-tip through the penetrating silence and you can feel yourself glow with bliss. Through the velvety darkness you can almost visualize the sparkling drop of dew; soaking your senses and leaving a minty refreshment spreading like venom through every capillary, every nerve of your body making you burst out in bloom waking you up from your sleep like a new-born flower bud.
And somewhere inside, you know that the world is, after all, not such a bad place to live in.

By the way Happy New Year readers…from you know…This and That and a few others may be :)
long time...after a really long time...
and the world is also not a very bad place to live in when you finally convince someone not to let go of you or let you let go of him.....if you know what i mean...
happy new year.
Dont know about new born flowers, but, "languor in her arms", "atonal melody", "atavistic ways"..... Dew drops most certainly get the english out of you.... :D.... my "capillary" is still choking..... :D :D
Ok fine.... dont abuse.
Happy New Year.
Love you... Muaahhh.
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